Resident data ends at 5a00, program starts at 5a00, file ends at 14910 Starting analysis pass at address 59fd End of analysis pass, low address = 5a00, high address = e860 [Start of text] S001: "THE INFORM GAME LIST" S002: " An Interactive Guide to available Inform games. Copyright (c) 1997 by Gunther Schmidl. With entries based on Inform Game List by Brendon Wyber/Neil Brown. " S003: "970918" S004: "6/7" S005: "a" S006: "---" S007: "the" S008: "The " S009: "the " S010: "a " S011: "The " S012: "the " S013: "an " S014: "The " S015: "the " S016: "some " S017: "The " S018: "the " S019: "some " S020: "N = next subject" S021: "P = previous" S022: " Q = resume game" S023: "Q = previous menu" S024: "RETURN = read subject" S025: "Score: " S026: "Moves: " S027: "Time: " S028: "You can't go that way." S029: "your former self" S030: "yourself" S031: "Darkness" S032: "those things" S033: "that" S034: " or " S035: "nothing" S036: " is" S037: " are" S038: "is " S039: "are " S040: " and " S041: "whom " S042: "which " S043: "(considering the first sixteen objects only) " S044: " Would you like to RESTART, RESTORE a saved game" S045: ", give the FULL score for that game" S046: ", see some suggestions for AMUSING things to do" S047: "[Your interpreter does not provide "undo". Sorry!]" S048: ""Undo" failed. [Not all interpreters provide it.]" S049: "Please give one of the answers above." S050: "[You can't "undo" what hasn't been done!]" S051: "[Can't "undo" twice in succession. Sorry!]" S052: ""Oops" can only correct a single word." S053: "It is pitch dark, and you can't see a thing." S054: "To repeat a command like "frog, jump", just say "again", not "frog, again"." S055: "You seem to want to talk to someone, but I can't see whom." S056: "To talk to someone, try "someone, hello" or some such." S057: "I didn't understand that sentence." S058: "I only understood you as far as wanting to " S059: "You seem to have said too little!" S060: "You can't use multiple objects with that verb." S061: "You can only use multiple objects once on a line." S062: "You excepted something not included anyway!" S063: "You can only do that to something animate." S064: "That's not something you need to refer to in the course of this game." S065: "I didn't understand the way that finished." S066: "Sorry, you can only have one item here. Which exactly?" S067: "(Since something dramatic has happened, your list of commands has been cut short.)" S068: " (closed, empty and providing light)" S069: "no pronouns are known to the game." S070: "Are you sure you want to restart? " S071: "The game file has verified as intact." S072: "The game file did not verify as intact, and may be corrupt." S073: "Attempt to begin transcript failed." S074: "Attempt to end transcript failed." S075: "You're carrying too many things already." S076: "You can't put something on top of itself." S077: "You can't put something inside itself." S078: " for a while, but don't achieve much." S079: "You can only get into something freestanding." S080: "But you aren't in anything at the moment." S081: "You'll have to say which compass direction to go in." S082: " is now in its normal "brief" printing mode, which gives long descriptions of places never before visited and short descriptions otherwise." S083: " is now in its "verbose" mode, which always gives long descriptions of locations (even if you've been there before)." S084: " is now in its "superbrief" mode, which always gives short descriptions of locations (even if you haven't been there before)." S085: "Darkness, noun. An absence of light to see by." S086: "seem to be something you can unlock." S087: "seem to be something you can lock." S088: "This dangerous act would achieve little." S089: "Nothing practical results from your prayer." S090: "The dreadful truth is, this is not a dream." S091: "Digging would achieve nothing here." S092: "You jump on the spot, fruitlessly." S093: "You would achieve nothing by this." S094: "There's nothing suitable to drink here." S095: "But there's no water here to carry." S096: "Real adventurers do not use such language." S097: "Violence isn't the answer to this one." S098: "There's not enough water to swim in." S099: "There's nothing sensible to swing here." S100: "That would be less than courteous." S101: "Is that the best you can think of?" S102: "You lack the nerve when it comes to the crucial moment." S103: "I don't think much is to be achieved by that." S104: "You aren't feeling especially drowsy." S105: "You discover nothing of interest in " S106: "[Gluing in inference with pattern code " S107: "[Next Page]" S108: "[Previous Page]" S109: " Q = quit game" S110: "Q = previous menu" S111: "next subject" S112: "next movie" S113: "next topic" S114: "next item" S115: "read subject" S116: "watch movie" S117: "talk about this" S118: "toggle item" S119: "Information on..." S120: " [Press any key to return to previous menu.]" S121: "" S122: "000000" S123: "" S124: "" S125: "IF-Archive (" S126: "Andrew Plotkin" S127: "951111" S128: "5.5" S129: "5/12" S130: "Tetris for the Z-machine, an original "fun" entry for the 1995 IF Competition. Needs an interpreter capable of timed events to work properly." S131: "Torbjoern Andersson" S132: "951120" S133: "1502" S134: "A Z-machine version of the old "Daleks" game (also known as "Zombies"). Lack of hints make this game a very hard one to play." S135: "Michael S. Phillips" S136: "951204" S137: "1502" S138: "5/12" S139: "As a student with an IF assignment looming, you need to get a biography out of the library - however, it is a very rare book, and surely you won't be allowed to take it with you..." S140: "Competition 1995: 5th place" S141: "Jon Drukman" S142: "941223" S143: "1402" S144: "5/7" S145: "Returning from classes, you find a message from your friend Keith on your answering machine. He has been "busted" by the cops; and if you aren't careful, you will be, too..." S146: "Gareth Rees" S147: "961117" S148: "1502" S149: "5/12" S150: "When your brother Malcolm sends you a telegram inviting you to visit him at Biblioll College in the ancient university town of Christminster, you imagine that the mysterious `discovery' he alludes to is nothing more than some esoteric bit of chemistry, and that you'll have a pleasant day out in beautiful surroundings. But when you get to Christminster, nothing is as you expect. Where has Malcolm vanished to? What are the unpleasant Doctor Jarboe and the positively repulsive Professor Bungay up to? And what do long-forgotten alchemical treatises have to do with the modern day?" S151: "Jeremy Farnham" S152: "960620" S153: "1502" S154: "5/12" S155: "You're working late at the computer lab in an attempt to finish the assignment which is due in very shortly. Emerging from a daydream you carelessly lapsed into, you are surprised to find that the whole world around you has frozen in time..." S156: "Bonni Mierzejewska" S157: "961118" S158: "1502" S159: "5/12" S160: "Someone has run off with one of the university's printers, and you, as a computer lab technician, must retrieve it if you want to keep your job." S161: "Chris Skapura" S162: "950503" S163: "1405" S164: "5/9" S165: "You want your college qualification - but red tape and unhelpful, bureaucratic officials block your progress..." S166: "Michael S. Phillips" S167: "951204" S168: "1502" S169: "5/12" S170: "As a student with an IF assignment looming, you need to get a biography out of the library - however, it is a very rare book, and surely you won't be allowed to take it with you..." S171: "Competition 1995: 5th place" S172: "Michael Zey" S173: "970711" S174: "6.05" S175: "6/2" S176: "All you want to do is to watch the boxing match tonight, but your wife and kids are doing their best to hinder you. And that is just the beginning... This is a preview of the game "Bedlam."" S177: "Chris Smith" S178: "970110" S179: "6.13" S180: "6/1" S181: "Strange Things have been happening in Skebdale - and not just the BSE crisis, either. Rumours about devil-worshipping and all manner of strange happenings. Can you, as the unfortunate soul dispatched by the powers that be to investigate, unravel the mystery?" S182: "Acorn User IF Competition 1996: First place" S183: "Jon Drukman" S184: "941223" S185: "1402" S186: "5/7" S187: "Returning from classes, you find a message from your friend Keith on your answering machine. He has been "busted" by the cops; and if you aren't careful, you will be, too..." S188: "C. E. Forman" S189: "960831" S190: "1502" S191: "5/11" S192: "A rewrite of Matt Barringer's incredibly bad game "Detective", this game was ported to Inform and subjected to treatment with Mystery Science Theater 3000 sarcasm. This version is the Silver Screen edition which includes some highly amusing stuff about the game." S193: "Competition 1995: 4th place" S194: "Adam Cadre" S195: "970307" S196: "6.05" S197: "6/2" S198: "Stranded on Interstate Zero after your car broke down, you are miles away from the last sign of civilisation. It's twenty minutes to noon and the temperature is well over 120. It's beginning to look like you'll not make it to your family's Thanksgiving dinner..." S199: "Andrew Plotkin" S200: "31415926" S201: "1405" S202: "5/8" S203: "A parody of Infocom's Infidel, written when the author was fifteen, then converted to Inform. To collect a treasure, you must show an ancient guardian how awful an adventurer you are." S204: "Bonni Mierzejewska" S205: "961118" S206: "1502" S207: "5/12" S208: "Someone has run off with one of the university's printers, and you, as a computer lab technician, must retrieve it if you want to keep your job." S209: "Chris Skapura" S210: "950503" S211: "1405" S212: "5/9" S213: "You want your college qualification - but red tape and unhelpful, bureaucratic officials block your progress..." S214: "Giles Boutel, aka Geoff Durden" S215: "970819" S216: "1502" S217: "5/12" S218: "Piece of Mind is a short, humorous work which uses the first person 'puppet' concept from Scott Adams and other early games and examines the possible causes and consequences of being so controlled by the player. On the way to insight into the protagonist's nature the player will come across some parody (x-files, cheesy SF), some poetry (real and instant), and perhaps even the odd moral dilemma." S219: "Competition 1996: 16th place" S220: "Jason Dyer" S221: "970401" S222: "6.05" S223: "6/2" S224: "You've found it at last - the chest containing the Treasure of Phlegm. Now, all you need to do is get it down from the tree. A cannon could help, if you can find the tools necessary to fire it..." S225: "Competition 1996: 17th place" S226: "Mike DeSanto, ported by J. Steingraeber" S227: "" S228: "6.05" S229: "This is a port of a REXX-Adventure, copying the menu-based OS/2 user interface. Oh no! You've been promoted! Now what can you do to ever get your phone working without viloating any of the corporation's strict rules?" S230: "Miron Schmidt" S231: "961005" S232: "6.05" S233: "6/2" S234: "It isn't easy being a dog - if only you remembered where you buried that bone..." S235: "Competition 1996: 12th place" S236: "Jason Dyer, reconstructed by Patrick Kellum" S237: "970315" S238: "6.11" S239: "6/4" S240: "Can you save your town from the curse of the terrible vampire bunny?" S241: "Gerry Kevin Wilson" S242: "970329" S243: "6.11" S244: "6/4" S245: "Looks like that meteor crash from page 12 wasn't as harmless as everyone was expecting: now your clothes are playing mad!" S246: "Neil James Brown" S247: "970117" S248: "6.05" S249: "6/2" S250: "What should have been a simple task, watching your old flatmate Malcolm get married, becomes an awful lot more complicated when it transpires that Malcolm has disappeared mere hours before the service. You are called in by one of the bride's aunts to sort out the problem. But how can you help? Perhaps the answer to the problem lies somewhere within D'Arcy manor, the bride's family home. The odd characters within may be able to help you. First things first, though - how do you get past the nasty security guard?" S251: "Richard Tucker" S252: "950831" S253: "1502" S254: "5/11" S255: " You have been trapped in the underground system for what may be days or even weeks - and you are desperately hungry. The chocolate machine is playing up, and there's never a train when you want one." S256: "Competition 1995: 6th place" S257: "C. E. Forman" S258: "960831" S259: "1502" S260: "5/11" S261: "A rewrite of Matt Barringer's incredibly bad game "Detective", this game was ported to Inform and subjected to treatment with Mystery Science Theater 3000 sarcasm. This version is the Silver Screen edition which includes some highly amusing stuff about the game." S262: "Competition 1995: 4th place" S263: "Mike Oliphant" S264: "960331" S265: "1502" S266: "5/12" S267: "As the owner of a debt-ridden detective agency in the 1920's, you have to find some way of keeping afloat. The case involving suspected infidelity should help with the finances, though..." S268: "Andy Phillips" S269: "971005" S270: "1502" S271: "5/12" S272: "Your unloved uncle has died. At his funeral, you are given a curious note from him, asking you to finish his dream for you, his inheritance. It won't be easy, however. The choice is left to you..." S273: "Neil James Brown" S274: "970117" S275: "6.05" S276: "6/2" S277: "What should have been a simple task, watching your old flatmate Malcolm get married, becomes an awful lot more complicated when it transpires that Malcolm has disappeared mere hours before the service. You are called in by one of the bride's aunts to sort out the problem. But how can you help? Perhaps the answer to the problem lies somewhere within D'Arcy manor, the bride's family home. The odd characters within may be able to help you. First things first, though - how do you get past the nasty security guard?" S278: "Joe Mason" S279: "961010" S280: "1502" S281: "5/12" S282: "Your best friend has just died, and life drags on miserably. Would death be better than this?" S283: "Competition 1996: 15th place" S284: "Daniel Ravipinto" S285: "961010" S286: "1502" S287: "5/12" S288: "You were born; you lived; you died. Not everyone gets a second chance to go back and change crucial decisions. You have been granted one and must go back to critical moral dilemmas; but do you change the course of your life, or daren't you?" S289: "Competition 1996: 2nd place and Miss Congeniality Award" S290: "Todd S. Murchison" S291: "970904" S292: "6.13" S293: "6/5" S294: "A small, one-location game in which you must escape from a court. The game shows Inform's capability of handling multiple equal objects." S295: "Andrew Plotkin" S296: "970402" S297: "6.11" S298: "A new, experimental game that has no puzzles but uses only words that change your focus on things, thereby adapting the story." S299: "Crowther and Woods, ported by Graham Nelson" S300: "961209" S301: "6.05" S302: "6/2" S303: "The adventure game that started it all, reconstructed by David M. Baggett to TADS, then ported to Inform by Graham Nelson. This game reconstructs the architecture of Bedquilt Cave that was discovered by the mulatto slave Stephen Bishop." S304: "Scott Adams" S305: "961111" S306: "6.05" S307: "6/2" S308: "A port of Scott Adams' classic game "Adventureland."" S309: "Graham Nelson" S310: "961216" S311: "6.10" S312: "6/3" S313: "A homage to Infocom's Enchanter Trilogy, at the same time showing some of the things that Inform is capable of doing." S314: "Graham Nelson" S315: "951024" S316: "1600" S317: "5/12" S318: "As "Curses" opens, you're hunting about in the attic of your family home, looking for a tatty old map of Paris (you're going on holiday tomorrow) and generally trying to avoid all the packing. Aunt Jemima is potting daisies and sulking; the attics are full of endless distractions and secrets; Greek myths, horoscopes, sixth-century politics, a less than altogether helpful demon, a mysterious bomb plot, photography, ritual, poetry and a dream or two all get in your way; and somehow you keep being reminded of your family through the ages, and all its Curses... ...could it be that even you are Cursed?" S319: "Jeremy Farnham" S320: "960620" S321: "1502" S322: "5/12" S323: "You're working late at the computer lab in an attempt to finish the assignment which is due in very shortly. Emerging from a daydream you carelessly lapsed into, you are surprised to find that the whole world around you has frozen in time..." S324: "Andrew Plotkin" S325: "31415926" S326: "1405" S327: "5/8" S328: "A parody of Infocom's Infidel, written when the author was fifteen, then converted to Inform. To collect a treasure, you must show an ancient guardian how awful an adventurer you are." S329: "Graham Nelson" S330: "951129" S331: "1600" S332: "6/1" S333: "New Year's Eve, 1999, a quarter to midnight and where else to be but Century Park! Fireworks cascade across the sky, your stomach rumbles uneasily, music and lasers howl across the parkland... Not exactly your ideal party (especially as that rather attractive stranger in black has slipped back into the crowds) - but cheer up, you won't live to see the next." S334: "Teo Kwang Liak" S335: "941021" S336: "1403" S337: "Help Odieus in his search for the magic flingshot to get rid of his arch-enemy Blackwing, son of Blackfeather. This game was ported from AGT and is still a beta test copy." S338: "Chris Markwyn" S339: "970206" S340: "6.11" S341: "6/4" S342: "A game that starts off in a college room, soon to move on to other, stranger places. This game was influenced by Andrew Plotkin's "So Far."" S343: "Competition 1996: 20th place" S344: "Rybread Celsius" S345: "960927" S346: "1502" S347: "5/12" S348: "A wizard has done fiendish things to a village, and you have to find a way to stop him..." S349: "Competition 1996: 25th place" S350: "Adam G. Crutchlow" S351: "960613" S352: "1502" S353: "5/12" S354: "Find the magic plant that can heal your daughter - before it's too late!" S355: "Andrew Plotkin" S356: "960619" S357: "1502" S358: "5/12" S359: "Sitting in a cramped theatre, irritated that your partner apparently hasn't turned up, you are strangely intrigued by a current of air. It will lead you to a place very different from your own familiar surroundings..." S360: "Graham Nelson's port, spells added by Patrick Walton" S361: "961205" S362: "6.05" S363: "6/2" S364: "The original Adventure changed to include spells as seen in "Balances."" S365: "Daniel S. Yu" S366: "960606" S367: "1502" S368: "5/12" S369: "Set in the universe of Zork, this game starts off in a monastery. The evil Anabis fools Brother Joseph into releasing him from his prison. He shatters the Rod of the Ancients, and the only way to save the order is to retrieve all the pieces and even confront the Implementors themselves..." S370: "Jonathan Fry" S371: "961015" S372: "1502" S373: "5/12" S374: "The prologue to a much longer game, Stargazer features you as a young lad trying to escape the everyday routine of life underground." S375: "Competition 1996: 19th place" S376: "Ruediger Hanke" S377: "960901" S378: "6.03" S379: "6/1" S380: "While watching the skaters on Christmas Eve, you notice a beautiful woman. As you try to follow her, she leaves the ice rink, disappearing towards a forest... This is a demo of "The Ice Princess."" S381: "Angela M. Horns, aka Graham Nelson" S382: "961216" S383: "6.10" S384: "6/3" S385: "Another day wasted as guest of the Empress, a wretchedly long tour of the breath-taking Boreal Falls, conducted as ever by the Lady Amilia. As if she weren't bad enough, an honour guard of soldiers, their breast-plates red in the setting sun, march ahead of the procession and protect you from seeing anything unrehearsed. It's a dog's life being an Ambassador." S386: "Competition 1996: 1st place" S387: "Jeff Cassidy and C. E. Forman" S388: "960828" S389: "1502" S390: "5/11" S391: "You have been volunteered by your master for a quest to save the small city of Windhall from a terrible fate." S392: "G. M. Zagurski" S393: "970330" S394: "6.10" S395: "6/4" S396: "Your last trip up the stairs before you can relax in a nice hot bath brings you into rather unfortunate contact with a toy car left carelessly on a stair, and your head connects with the wooden banner near the top. As you come to, things don't quite seem so humdrum as they used to be..." S397: "Paul O'Brian" S398: "970327" S399: "1502" S400: "5/12" S401: "A traditional fantasy quest in which you and your village have been cursed with a slow transformation into various animals. The only way to stop the curse is to retrieve the Pendant of Elinor from the mysterious island of the Goergs." S402: "Competition 1996: 8th place" S403: "Mark Blanc and Mike Berlyn, programmed by Gerry Kevin Wilson" S404: "970828" S405: "6.13" S406: "6/2" S407: "Grubald the Bold, Matchlick the Mighty, Linklaw the Lucky; all of the great Heroes are busy, laid up, contracted or dead. So it is you who gets to explore a never before seen part of the Great Underground Empire, giving you the chance to finally see a Grue by daylight! This game was developed by Activision and released as a prequel to their adventure "Zork: Grand Inquisitor."" S408: "Graham Nelson" S409: "951129" S410: "1600" S411: "6/1" S412: "New Year's Eve, 1999, a quarter to midnight and where else to be but Century Park! Fireworks cascade across the sky, your stomach rumbles uneasily, music and lasers howl across the parkland... Not exactly your ideal party (especially as that rather attractive stranger in black has slipped back into the crowds) - but cheer up, you won't live to see the next." S413: "Chuan-Tze Teo" S414: "961012" S415: "1502" S416: "5/12" S417: "The world is suddenly such a frightening place. People are out to get you, and everywhere there is danger, lurking in the dark, even here, in your own home. Can you conquer your own fears before it's too late?" S418: "Competition 1996, 6th place" S419: "Rybread Celsius" S420: "960914" S421: "1502" S422: "5/12" S423: "You wake, as a balding, plump middle aged man, in what appears to be a house of horrors. How did you get here? What is going on?" S424: "Competition 1996: 24th place" S425: "Jason Clayton White" S426: "960930" S427: "6.03" S428: "6/1" S429: "An escaped serial killer is loose in the neighbourhood. Even worse, he might be in your house. Or was that smashing sound something to do with the cat?" S430: "Competition 1996: 23rd place" S431: "Jason Dyer, reconstructed by Patrick Kellum" S432: "970315" S433: "6.11" S434: "6/4" S435: "Can you save your town from the curse of the terrible vampire bunny?" S436: "Brendon J Wyber" S437: "951203" S438: "1502" S439: "5/12" S440: "Your job as a real estate agent brings you into contact with many old buildings, but none are quite like the old theatre that has stood deserted for almost thirty years. After visiting it with some prospective buyers, you discover that you have left your pager behind. You quickly stop off there, on your way out for the evening, to pick it up. However, at night, you soon learn, the theatre's denizens are more than just rats and spiders. Now you find yourself trapped in a world of secrets and of shadows, while a century-old evil awakens to hatch her nefarious plans. In order to survive the horror and insanity, you must use all your wits and cunning, and, to escape, you must solve the dark secret of the THEATRE!" S441: "Andrew Plotkin" S442: "960613" S443: "1405" S444: "5/8" S445: "Walking away from a picknick, you are suddenly couhgt in a country storm. You must protect a bridge from being destroyed. An ultra-linear game." S446: "Competition 1995: 1st place" S447: "Michael S. Phillips" S448: "951204" S449: "1502" S450: "5/12" S451: "As a student with an IF assignment looming, you need to get a biography out of the library - however, it is a very rare book, and surely you won't be allowed to take it with you..." S452: "Competition 1995: 5th place" S453: "Howard A. Sherman" S454: "970706" S455: "6.13" S456: "6/3" S457: "A game based on the author's experience with a similar problem, your task in Baltimore:24 is to replace a router destroyed by a thunderstorm." S458: "Chris Smith" S459: "970110" S460: "6.13" S461: "6/1" S462: "Strange Things have been happening in Skebdale - and not just the BSE crisis, either. Rumours about devil-worshipping and all manner of strange happenings. Can you, as the unfortunate soul dispatched by the powers that be to investigate, unravel the mystery?" S463: "Acorn User IF Competition 1996: First place" S464: "Jon Drukman" S465: "941223" S466: "1402" S467: "5/7" S468: "Returning from classes, you find a message from your friend Keith on your answering machine. He has been "busted" by the cops; and if you aren't careful, you will be, too..." S469: "Gareth Rees" S470: "961117" S471: "1502" S472: "5/12" S473: "When your brother Malcolm sends you a telegram inviting you to visit him at Biblioll College in the ancient university town of Christminster, you imagine that the mysterious `discovery' he alludes to is nothing more than some esoteric bit of chemistry, and that you'll have a pleasant day out in beautiful surroundings. But when you get to Christminster, nothing is as you expect. Where has Malcolm vanished to? What are the unpleasant Doctor Jarboe and the positively repulsive Professor Bungay up to? And what do long-forgotten alchemical treatises have to do with the modern day?" S474: "Andy Phillips" S475: "971005" S476: "1502" S477: "5/12" S478: "Your unloved uncle has died. At his funeral, you are given a curious note from him, asking you to finish his dream for you, his inheritance. It won't be easy, however. The choice is left to you..." S479: "Adam Cadre" S480: "970307" S481: "6.05" S482: "6/2" S483: "Stranded on Interstate Zero after your car broke down, you are miles away from the last sign of civilisation. It's twenty minutes to noon and the temperature is well over 120. It's beginning to look like you'll not make it to your family's Thanksgiving dinner..." S484: "Patrick Shaughnessy" S485: "960599" S486: "1502" S487: "5/12" S488: "Highest time to return that copy of "Waiting for Godot" to the library. But where did you put it?" S489: "Bonni Mierzejewska" S490: "961118" S491: "1502" S492: "5/12" S493: "Someone has run off with one of the university's printers, and you, as a computer lab technician, must retrieve it if you want to keep your job." S494: "Robert Janelle and Brad O'Donnell" S495: "961127" S496: "1502" S497: "5/12" S498: "A very simple treasure-hunting game, aimed at being a gentle introduction to the world of Interactive Fiction." S499: "Russell Wain Glasser" S500: "961015" S501: "1502" S502: "5/12" S503: "Surely it is too much to expect for you, a mere pizza delivery boy and surfing fanatic, to foil the attempted escape of a notorious criminal from custody, avoid numerous murder attempts, find the gang the criminal belongs to and start up a romance with an attractive attourney?" S504: "Competition 1996: 13th place" S505: "Neil James Brown" S506: "970117" S507: "6.05" S508: "6/2" S509: "What should have been a simple task, watching your old flatmate Malcolm get married, becomes an awful lot more complicated when it transpires that Malcolm has disappeared mere hours before the service. You are called in by one of the bride's aunts to sort out the problem. But how can you help? Perhaps the answer to the problem lies somewhere within D'Arcy manor, the bride's family home. The odd characters within may be able to help you. First things first, though - how do you get past the nasty security guard?" S510: "Adam G Crutchlow" S511: "960613" S512: "1502" S513: "5/12" S514: "You wake up, just in the right mood for a chicken vindaloo. You'll have to find the ingredients and make it yourself, though. Not recommended for vegetarians or animal lovers :)" S515: "Lucian Smith" S516: "970626" S517: "6.13" S518: "6/5" S519: "A program to sort, describe and rate all of the games in the 2nd Annual IF Competition (1996). Released after the competition was over, the program was a demonstration for "Competition 97" (see there)." S520: " [Press any key to return to previous menu.]" S521: "Unknown, ported by J. Kevin Thomas" S522: "961218" S523: "6.13" S524: "6/5" S525: "As this game is ported directly from the TRS-80, it is very uncomfortable to play. Your mission is to find a ruby used in a laser projector that has been stolen by a spy ring named CHAOS." S526: "Rybread Celsius" S527: "970621" S528: "6.11" S529: "6/4" S530: "You are playing a small child dropped off at the house of its aunt, on a desperate quest for candies. This is a beta version of "Candy."" S531: "Martin Wesley Osam" S532: "960920" S533: "1502" S534: "5/12 D" S535: "A small game; the only way to win is to literally cheat. Might be difficult for players who aren't familiar with the Inform language debugging verbs." S536: "Graham Nelson" S537: "930921" S538: "634" S539: "Not really a game, but the first ever program compiled by Inform; a demonstration of various features of the Inform language." S540: "Andrew Plotkin" S541: "31415926" S542: "1405" S543: "5/8" S544: "A parody of Infocom's Infidel, written when the author was fifteen, then converted to Inform. To collect a treasure, you must show an ancient guardian how awful an adventurer you are." S545: "Andrew Plotkin" S546: "960823" S547: "1502" S548: "5/12" S549: "A tutorial in which a genie teaches you the basics of a simplified version of LISP." S550: "Competition 1996, 11th place" S551: "Miron Schmidt" S552: "961005" S553: "6.05" S554: "6/2" S555: "It isn't easy being a dog - if only you remembered where you buried that bone..." S556: "Competition 1996: 12th place" S557: "Gareth Rees" S558: "950726" S559: "1502" S560: "5/11" S561: "A one-location game in which you play a series of puzzles against a shopkeeper in order to get a present." S562: "Competition 1995: 3rd place" S563: "Sam Hulick" S564: "950925" S565: "1502" S566: "5/11" S567: "This short game comprises of a few puzzles, pieced together to form some kind of continuity, but lacks any story. The author describes it as a test for creating challenging puzzles." S568: "C. E. Forman" S569: "970113" S570: "1502" S571: "5/12" S572: "A trip into virtual reality: all begins with debugging a VR system, but then things get out of hand. Who is Morrodox, what has he to do with your colleagues, and what is going on?" S573: "Competition 1996: 3rd place" S574: "Jeremy Farnham" S575: "960620" S576: "1502" S577: "5/12" S578: "You're working late at the computer lab in an attempt to finish the assignment which is due in very shortly. Emerging from a daydream you carelessly lapsed into, you are surprised to find that the whole world around you has frozen in time..." S579: "Chris Klimas" S580: "970829" S581: "6.13" S582: "6/5" S583: "You are a doctor at Mercy Hospital, euthanizing people that suffer from smallpox. Long ago, you have stopped caring, about anything. Or have you?" S584: "Patrick Wigfull" S585: "961207" S586: "6.05" S587: "6/2" S588: "A Doctor Who adventure. Sequel to a televised adventure featuring the fourth Doctor and one of his old enemies. You have been instructed by the Time Lords to retrieve the brain of Morbius; however, you're not the only recent visitor to the planet Karn." S589: "Jason Dyer" S590: "950830" S591: "1502" S592: "5/11" S593: "Set in an unusual cyber/virtual reality background, you play a disembodied consciousness trapped in an electron prison of the mind." S594: "Competition 1995: 2nd place" S595: "Mike DeSanto, ported by J. Steingraeber" S596: "" S597: "6.13" S598: "This is a port of a REXX-Adventure, copying the menu-based OS/2 user interface. After being assaulted and cut in half, you are kept alive on the WEB by a person called Ringer. He offers you a deal: you perform some tasks for him, and he will fit your body with cybernetics. You need to gain entry to GMSC if you ever want your body back..." S599: "Andy Phillips" S600: "961106" S601: "1502" S602: "5/12" S603: "After many years developing a time travel machine, the company has decided to close the project down. If only you could get the machine to work, you would be able to make a leap into the future to prove it's merits. But then, how would you get back? An ultra-linear adventure." S604: "Adam Cadre" S605: "8581" S606: "unknown" S607: "" S608: "A pardoy of "Pick up the Phone Booth and Die", only that this time it's Anaheim Hills that mustn't be picked up. No plot, no story, nothing." S609: ""Gecko"" S610: "1502" S611: "5/12" S612: "" S613: "A parody of "Pick up the Phone Booth and Die", full of obscure in-jokes, but with at least traces of a plot." S614: "R. Noyes" S615: "960409" S616: "1502" S617: "5/12" S618: "A very short game. Whatever you do, do not pick up the phone booth; well, you can guess from the title what happens if you do." S619: "R. Noyes" S620: "961017" S621: "1502" S622: "5/12" S623: "Same phone booth, different problem... this one will not be so easily destroyed. This is a demo version of "Pick up the Phone Booth and Die part 2"." S624: "Original author unknown, ported from TADS by Gunther Schmidl" S625: "971008" S626: "6.14" S627: "6/7" S628: "A game based on the popular book/film, "Silence of the Lambs."" S629: "write to" S630: "read" S631: "send message" S632: "increment" S633: "decrement" S634: "apply 'ofclass' for" S635: "recreate" S636: "destroy" S637: "copy" S638: "copy" S639: "" S640: "name" S641: "create" S642: "recreate" S643: "destroy" S644: "remaining" S645: "copy" S646: "call" S647: "print" S648: "print_to_array" S649: "animate" S650: "absent" S651: "clothing" S652: "concealed" S653: "container" S654: "door" S655: "edible" S656: "enterable" S657: "general" S658: "light" S659: "lockable" S660: "locked" S661: "moved" S662: "on" S663: "open" S664: "openable" S665: "proper" S666: "scenery" S667: "scored" S668: "static" S669: "supporter" S670: "switchable" S671: "talkable" S672: "transparent" S673: "visited" S674: "workflag" S675: "worn" S676: "male" S677: "female" S678: "neuter" S679: "pluralname" S680: "before" S681: "after" S682: "life" S683: "n_to" S684: "s_to" S685: "e_to" S686: "w_to" S687: "ne_to" S688: "se_to" S689: "nw_to" S690: "sw_to" S691: "u_to" S692: "d_to" S693: "in_to" S694: "out_to" S695: "door_to" S696: "with_key" S697: "door_dir" S698: "invent" S699: "plural" S700: "add_to_scope" S701: "list_together" S702: "react_before" S703: "react_after" S704: "grammar" S705: "orders" S706: "initial" S707: "when_open" S708: "when_closed" S709: "when_on" S710: "when_off" S711: "description" S712: "describe" S713: "article" S714: "cant_go" S715: "found_in" S716: "time_left" S717: "number" S718: "time_out" S719: "daemon" S720: "each_turn" S721: "capacity" S722: "short_name" S723: "short_name_indef" S724: "parse_name" S725: "articles" S726: "inside_description" S727: "play" S728: "Pronouns" S729: "Quit" S730: "Restart" S731: "Restore" S732: "Save" S733: "Verify" S734: "ScriptOn" S735: "ScriptOff" S736: "NotifyOn" S737: "NotifyOff" S738: "Places" S739: "Objects" S740: "Score" S741: "FullScore" S742: "Inv" S743: "Inv" S744: "Take" S745: "Drop" S746: "Remove" S747: "PutOn" S748: "Insert" S749: "EmptyT" S750: "Give" S751: "Show" S752: "Enter" S753: "GetOff" S754: "Exit" S755: "VagueGo" S756: "Go" S757: "LMode1" S758: "LMode2" S759: "LMode3" S760: "Look" S761: "Examine" S762: "LookUnder" S763: "Search" S764: "Unlock" S765: "Lock" S766: "SwitchOn" S767: "SwitchOff" S768: "Open" S769: "Close" S770: "Disrobe" S771: "Wear" S772: "Eat" S773: "Yes" S774: "No" S775: "Burn" S776: "Pray" S777: "Wake" S778: "WakeOther" S779: "Kiss" S780: "Think" S781: "Smell" S782: "Listen" S783: "Taste" S784: "Touch" S785: "Dig" S786: "Cut" S787: "Jump" S788: "JumpOver" S789: "Tie" S790: "Drink" S791: "Fill" S792: "Sorry" S793: "Strong" S794: "Mild" S795: "Attack" S796: "Swim" S797: "Swing" S798: "Blow" S799: "Rub" S800: "Set" S801: "SetTo" S802: "WaveHands" S803: "Wave" S804: "Pull" S805: "Push" S806: "Turn" S807: "PushDir" S808: "Squeeze" S809: "ThrowAt" S810: "Tell" S811: "Answer" S812: "Ask" S813: "Buy" S814: "Sing" S815: "Climb" S816: "Wait" S817: "Sleep" S818: "Consult" S819: "parse_input" S820: "AskFor" S821: "GiveR" S822: "ShowR" S823: "begin_action" S824: "end_turn_sequence" S825: "Transfer" S826: "select" S827: "pages" S828: "mp_mode" S829: "sw" S830: "num_lines_avail" S831: "page" S832: "emblazon" S833: "titles" S834: "execute" S835: "type" S836: "label" S837: "toggle" S838: "title_bar" S839: "doname" S840: "selection_name" S841: "put_Option" S842: "printsn" S843: "loc" S844: "author" S845: "rel" S846: "ser" S847: "lib" S848: "ifcomp" S849: "tel" S850: "desc" S851: "Version" S852: "Empty" S853: "InvTall" S854: "InvWide" S855: "GoIn" [End of text] [End of file]